carla maher


With this site Carla Maher explores, celebrates and shares her enthusiasm for Modernist architecture, design and art; through her own lens.

“After decades of living and working in New York City, my husband Niall and I became taken with what would affectionately come to be called ‘the wood house’. A piece of Mid-century Modern architecture, neatly tucked into a wooded hillside just north of the city, with a unique story. A wonderful history that we knew nothing about when we made the decision to move, but we are finding out more and more.

Something I could not have predicted was the impact the synergy between this soulful house and its surrounds would have on me. It would become the catalyst for a new passion. It began with the light and my consistent want to capture it; the way it moved around our new home throughout the day, changing with every season. Someone else noticed it too, and gave me a very special gift. A camera. That was five years ago. With inspiration and study, I have become a photographer and writer.
Until our move, my entire working life had been in the fashion industry. I have always been interested in the stories behind design and creativity. Whether an interesting building, a beautifully made piece of furniture, striking or thought-provoking art, I have always wanted to understand how it came to be. Curiosity has taught me so much and I hope to be forever learning. I consider myself a modernist, as I value timeless, purposeful design. I prefer one well considered thing to many things I do not find meaning in, and tend to shy away from trends. I believe both in better living through design and craftsmanship with soul.

It is inspiring for both my husband and I to be able to experience first-hand how a thoughtfully designed home, appointed with furniture and objects that are both considered and meaningful, can draw focus to the things that matter - the company you keep and the nature that surrounds you..”
- Carla Maher